Tuesday, March 7, 2006

March 7, 2006

Man, my back hurts.  Today was long.  But for the third week in a row, I had no students for my last class.  It kinda pissed me off cause it meant that I was done teaching at 5:20 but then I, yet again, couldn't leave until 8.  I don't think that the students realize what they do to the teachers when that happens.  I hope to always be aware of how the system works anytime I take any classes from now on.  And I'll always call in absent.  I did manage to lay down and also to get some work done.  I finished planning for my new Playgroup class for this week and finished my CPR's that are due on the 17th.  Yeah, that's 10 days early.  I don't think I have ever turned in anything early in my life.  I was always the one in the class who stayed up all night the day before something was due to get it done.  I remember some papers in University that I had like 3 months to work on them and I seriously took that last three days and did nothing but the paper for those three days before the due date.  I made it home, although I thought I was going to die on the way to the school from the train.  I dropped off some stuff out of my bag and that helped but I seriously had issues walking from the station.  My bike is a bit better on my back, curiously enough(!), but the bumps and curves are bru-tal.  I had some tofu and old rice for dinner, watched some Project Runway, my new obsession, and I called mum for her birthday.  That's it.