Friday, March 3, 2006

March 3, 2006

Today it hailed, then snowed, then rained.  I found out that Yuichi is leaving the school at the end of the semester.  He needs to go to juku.  Makes me question whether my schedule on Fridays will exist after I go.  Probably not.  Shunsuke will probably drop.  He has been once in like 2 months.  That will just leave Takuya.  Kinda sad to think about cause as I've been thinking about leaving, in my mind everything continues on as it has been, without me.  But then when I see changes like that coming up with classes and people that I have loved so much, it makes me sad.  Kana today was really bummed out when she came into class and it took her a while to get into the class, but she left bouncing around and smiling and giving me big hugs, so that was really nice to see and yet it kinda broke my heart that I have to leave this sweet girl who has really bonded to me.

I haven't really been thinking much of leaving.  It really hasn't hit me that I leave in two and a half weeks.  It's like I was more aware of leaving like a month ago than I am now.  Now I'm just coasting along, doing my thing, paying attention to my teaching more than anything else and that means that I'm really not noticing that time is escaping from me very quickly.

I'm getting sick.  Big weekend ahead of me and then straight into the next full week of teaching so I must sleep.