Friday, November 4, 2005

November 4, 2005

A usual day at work today. I really like all the people that I teach on Fridays. It's just a good solid day. The adult class with Yumi, Mari and Akiko can still be difficult, but today was a good day. The kids were really crazy but I've gotten to the point where I just don't really care if they learn anything or not. The Jr Highs with Yuichi, Izumi and Tomomi is fun as always. They all look terribly bored and tired but I know they like me. I need to make things a little more fun for them. It's difficult when Tomomi and Yuichi are on such different levels. She's lost most of the time and his bored cause it's too easy most of the time. I finished off the day with my Returnees, Shunsuke didn't show up again today so for the third week in a row it's just been me and Takuya. He's such a good kid and really interactive so I certainly don't mind. It means that we can spend time just on him. I hope he's improving, or at least not loosing more.