Saturday, January 21, 2006

January 21, 2006

It was so cold this morning when I woke up and I couldn't figure out why.  My heat was on, I had blankets, but it was cold.  I opened the curtains and we have serious snow today.  There's several inches on the ground.  Made things very interesting getting to work.  I haven't ever ridden my bike in much snow before.

I was supposed to go to Karaoke tonight for Dave Noe's birthday, but my stomach has been rumbling all night.  I got dressed and everything to walk to the station just after 9.  I was standing in front of the door staring and it and I just couldn't handle the thought of being away from my toilet and my bed for more than 10 minutes.  So I took off my clothes that I had just put on and called Dave and cancelled.  I felt bad, but I really don't want to move.  So I'll watch Harry Potter and go to bed.