Tuesday, February 21, 2006

February 21, 2006

I managed to get three classes worth of planning done up to the week that I leave today. That's my goal for this week, each day, get as much done for the next month as possible so that I can chill and be normal for my remaining 3 weeks, after this week.

I came home, a bit early. My students for my last class didn't show. I had a 2 hour break and then a 90 minute class to finish, so I actually finished teaching at 5:30 tonight, but because no one called, I had to stick around the school until 8:30. That's lame. But I got a lot done so that was good. I was supposed to stay until 9 so I got at least a half hour off. So when I got home, I made some chicken salad, yummy, lots of garlic and danced around while making dinner in my skirt and tank top to some fab New Wave music, which for those who don't know what it is, is far from being "new" music. Made me wish I had someone around the house to appreciate how totally hot I am!!

My brain feels like butter. All mushy soft butter that's been left out on the counter for to long. Like the plate of butter that always seemed to reside on top of our microwave when I was young. Our kitchen was always too hot (except in the winter, but even then, if it was sunny it would get warm) because of all the windows so the butter lived in a little white bowl that sometimes was on top of the microwave and sometimes in the cupboard above the roll up with the Cuisine Art, next to the stove. Sometimes you'd go to grab the little bowl type container and you'd stick your thumb right into the middle of a liquidy mess of melted butter. How you were supposed to spread it on your rye toast, I'll never understand, but there it was, as constant as the rain in Victoria and the school bus on Monday morning. That's how my brain feels today. Liquidy, partially coagulated mess. Mmmm, butter.