Monday, May 30, 2005

May 31, 2005

It is amazing to me the amount of time that people spend talking about God. The internet (my new best friend) is absolutely filled with people talking about God, debating this philosophy and that theologians views compared to this one. There is a whole lot of NOTHING being said in very eloquent ways, and some very insightful and intelligent things being lambasted and vilified because they are speaking the Truth but do not come in line with popular Christian culture of the very vocal, and often rude, extreme right or left. So much said. So many people of God who are slandered personally all over mass media and private conversations of people who don't even know them because they do not maintain popular views. So many people talking about nothing with any real spiritual content, in very appealing and "spiritually" sounding ways.

I wonder how many hours in total are spent talking (read: blabbing away) ABOUT God. And I wonder how many hours those people spent actually in communication with the God that they are so fond of talking about. I know that I read lots. I spent more time reading about God today, than I did in actual communion with Him. How much time is wasted as we talk amongst ourselves? It's like as if there was a bunch of my friends who all made websites to talk about me. What did Michelle have for breakfast? What did Michelle mean when she said Hello to the boy on the stairs? What was Michelle wearing today and was it appropriate for the situation at hand? They started talking all about me, and then they started discussing things about me, and disagreeing. And then they started all out fights over who remembered what I had for breakfast 5 days ago, was it the Breakfast of Champions? or was it rice and a raw egg? (It's got to be one of those two, there aren't any other possible choices) And then they took things personally about whether I would notice if they noticed that I was wearing my hoop earrings as opposed to my straight bar earrings. Would anyone call me up to go for coffee? Would anyone call just to say "Hey, I was thinking of you"? It would bum me out to have my loved ones behaving so badly toward each other, over things that don't really matter in the long run, and to have them not want to hang out with me any more because they're far too busy updating their postings on what I said in my sleep 12 nights ago.

I believe there is lots of really good stuff out there in the world (internet, churches, studies, schools...) Lots of stuff that inspire people to seek after their Saviour and Creator. Lots of stuff that is just there to make money in the guise of "godliness", I mean, I mean "godliness" too. I am constantly reminded of how great our God is through conversations with friends and reading other people's comments online. But I wonder if we spend too much time at it, even the good stuff, and we lose the focus. It's so much easier to just spend our time, watch it be exhaled out of our bodies, doing the good things that we're sure will be pleasing in God's eyes.

"Many will say to me on that day, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles, and sell 25 million copies of a book that said good things about you?" Then I will tell them plainly, "I never knew you. Away from me, you evil doers!" Matt 7:22-23 – with a possibly sacrilegious and definitely a hypocritical addition of my own.

I'm going to go and talk with God now, cause that's enough talking about Him.