Oh my, I just realized that I just polished off a jar of Jif with a spoon. I would quite possibly kill for a giant jar of Adam's. These tiny little containers of Jif (which isn't good pb at all, but it will do) at like 500 yen a pop are going to drive me insane. I don't ask for much, I can do without all other western food, but I have a serious dependency on peanut butter. It's wrong, I know. And it will probably lead to some premature heart attack, but I just can't help myself. I wonder if there's a PB Anonymous? If not, I should start one. Me and Heidi and Shaunna will be it's first members. For the record, it wasn't the whole jar all at once, it was mostly gone already. It was just surprising that I had just sat down and eat without thinking and now it's all gone. I shouldn't really say surprising because I've done it before back home, it took me by surprise that it was all gone, not that I had eaten it all. I think that makes sense. It makes sense in my head, I don't know if when I say it that it makes sense out there in the air. Um, yeah.
I had a fabulous little class of Kindie girls. They are soooo darned cute, and so good. No boys in that class running around in circles screaming at the top of their lungs..ah, I will miss little Takuma but it's nice to be able to actually do stuff in English as opposed to just classroom management. I think that's what gets me about most of the Kindie and Playgroup classes that I have, they are all so heavy on the classroom management that it feels really pointless to be doing any of it. The classes that stress me out are the ones where we have to keep everything going at all times and never loose momentum otherwise the kids will get out of control. I love being able to stop for like 10 seconds to put on the CD for the next song and not have to worry that in doing so I will have completely lost the class and they're now running around in circles, or are back under the table, or dancing with their dresses over their heads...that's for me to do, not them.