I had a kid sleep through an entire class today. Even though I tried to wake him, I didn't actually want him to wake up. He didn't. He's the little annoyance that gave me the cold I've been fighting.
I am fully addicted to reading this site. I've been reading the site, and another on line discussion that is moderated by the same guy, for quite some time now, even before I got to Japan. But now I'm reading a little bit every day. Helps me round out the influx of non-English communication, or at least non-correct-native speaker-English communication. If I were more of a recluse it might be a good thing. As is, it is turning me into more of a hermit than I've been naturally inclined to be.
Tonight, I discovered that cajun lentils and mayo is the new dinner of champions. Just a little bit of mayo. Just to mix it all in with. David Avice would be proud...or nauseous, one of the two.