Warning: The following contains material that although is funny, may offend those who do not appreciate bathroom humour...there's nothing lewd but there are bodily functions mentioned that some many not find as funny as I do. Continue with caution
So I need to back track a bit to last week for my statement of the day to make any sense. Last week on Friday, one of my fellow teachers who is at the same school as I am on this day had a bad experience with one of her students. As bad as it was for her, it got worse for our favourite receptionist. So. Carrie (she's from Seattle) was teaching a class with some grade 6-ers. One of the boys starts kind of dancing around, she doesn't think much of it as boys that age are often dancing around. He finally says "Teacher, teacher, toide", which means washroom (which, for the Americans reading this, means bathroom). Carrie's like "Yeah, sure, whatever, do what you need to do, you don't really need to ask me", not that he understood any part of that other than "Yeah". Carrie doesn't see the little guy for a bit, so she sticks her head out of the class and she sees him standing in front of the washroom. Evidently he didn't make it to the washroom in time. He's standing there covered in poo. The floor around his feet was covered in poo. Carrie still had the rest of the class so she couldn't do anything about him, and she had to call the receptionist, Taeko, to take care of the little guy. Taeko is our hero. Later Taeko had to clean the hallway, she got two clothespins and pinned up her pants at the knees. It was quite humourous. Carrie felt bad for Taeko and for the little guy. It was just bad. She kept saying "Poor little guy, poor Taeko, poor guy, it's just poor everybody". There's the back track.
Today, Carrie and I decreed that today would be a "No Poo" Day.
And it was so