I went out tonight with some fellow teachers for kaiten sushi. It was in honour of LeeAnne's birthday that was several weeks ago. We were pretty famous in the restaurant. The crazy foreigners trying to eat sushi. The staff was nice and helpful, but it's still weird to be an "experience" for them. Like something that they'll go home and tell their family about. "How was work dear? You smell like fish as always" "Oh it was work. The usual. Takahiro cut off his hand instead of the fish's head. Oh, and there was a group of crazy foreigners that came in. I said two words in English to them. They looked like they were having a good time." "Oh wow! You saw foreigners. That's nice. Now get me my beer woman." Yeah. I'll look forward to being unremarkable. Then we went back to their place and watched some Japanese tv and learned some origami and played Pit and watched some Olympics on tv. It was a nice night.