Friday, April 29, 2005
April 29, 2005
After leaving the guys on the street corner I headed home to grab some food, clean up and head back out with my Canon to be like the see what I could see. I rode my bike around, I think I went North-ish. I still haven't figured out the directional lay out of my area, something that leads me to getting lost quite often. I need the overhead view of an area to be really effective at doing my not lost adventuring. I get the "map view" in my mind's eye and it allows me to know at least sort of where I am. It was nice to have my world open up a bit. Not that there's really any more to see than what is in my usual vicinity, but it's nice to know that I'm not missing out on anything. It's pretty much the same small streets that they like to call major roads lined with dilapidated government housing. I do love the Japanese gardens that you find even in pots on the front porch, or behind concrete walls. Then there's the little parks all over, some of which are called "Green Space" solely due to their lack of construction and are really nothing more than a dust lot with a sad stick in the ground that they call a tree. Some of the parks are actually very nice and often do have giant trees surrounding them, if not a patch of beautiful flowering bushes and maybe even a spot of measly grass. I took a bunch of shots of the usual things that I see around here, sort of a daily life kind of motif. It was fun. I then came home, talked to the fam on Skype. I love free long-distance. Everyone should use Skype, it's brilliant. Then I finally hit the sack around 9 in the morning. I slept for a few hours. Got up, realized that I had sprained my ankle worse than I had originally thought, cleaned everything in sight, did some banking on the computer, made some food and generally chilled out around here for the day. I'm going to bed "early", like just before midnight.