Today is Dad's Birthday. And Erica Sharpe and Kelly Poole, two Summer Staff girls.
I don't feel good. It's not that I feel bad or sick, I just don't feel fabulous. This place is harsh on the bod. My skin is in the worst shape it's been in in years, my hair feels like it's always dirty even when I get right out of the shower, I always have huge bags under my eyes and I'm often in a waking up kind of daze. I'm definitely not sleeping well. I woke up last night at 3 am covered in sweat. Every night I wake up from some sort of incredibly vivid dream. I often dream really vividly, but these are more than usual and I can remember them from a couple of weeks ago as opposed to remembering through the morning and then forgetting by that night. I'm starting to think that the sleep thing has to do with sleeping on the floor. I don't usually sleep well when I'm camping and I'm sleeping on the ground, so that may be it. And I think that the rest of my bodies icky ness comes from the pollution. I don't really notice the pollution, but days are often just a little bit overcast as opposed to clear, they're sunny but there's still that little bit of haze so you know that the pollution from Tokyo is there.
No Thai food for me today. A-boo hiss. I don't know where the restaurant is and I don't know what time anyone was going, if at I did two loads of laundry and put it out to dry. I vacuumed and moved my "furniture" around again. And by furniture I mean my table and my floor seat. I shook everything out and put it out to air as well. Yet again, it feels nice to be all clean. It's like I do a spring clean like once a week. I have so little stuff that it's fully possible to do a full Spring clean in like 45 minutes. How fabulous. I got the rest of my pictures up too. I have fashioned a sort of picture hanging display. I bought a bunch of string (too much in fact) at the dollar store and some tiny clothes pins that are red and blue and brown and green and it's all quite fabulous. I tied lengths of string together to make a sort of grid and then clipped all my wonderful pictures of all the loved people and places. It's up in my tatami room (my bedroom). I had a bunch of pictures up at first and then I realized how late it was, like one AM, about a week ago so it's all been laying there next to my futon waiting to be finished. So now I have like 75 pictures up on my wall. Lovely.
I was hoping to get out of doors today, but I just didn't feel like putting on clothes, or at least presentable out in society clothes. It's not like I sat around here with no clothes on. I just finished some potatoes and carrots and a bit of leftover rice with my Cajun seasoning that I brought from home. So I now have an apple, a thing of breakfast tofu, soy sauce, soy milk, oil, 11 eggs, a dribble of salad dressing, 2 avocados and an apple left in my fridge. You know it's time to go shopping when you can state all the contents of your fridge from memory, and it doesn't look like a giant run on sentence. It's so much easier when you have a tiny little kitchen. For one it means that I'm not cooking really extravagant things. I'm all about the one small frying pan, one bowl and chopsticks meal. I've found a cookbook in English of Japanese food and there's a few recipes in there for one bowl meals that I can cook all together in my rice cooker. Hellah Yeah!! That's my kind of cooking man.