I thought that I was going to run out of time today with my planning so I went in plenty early. And then I realized that I had done some of the planning last week at the end of the day, and the rest of my planning was really straight forward. So I pretty much hung around the school today planning classes for next week and poking through material. I would have gone for some lunch or dinner, but I realized early in the day that I had forgotten every single cent back home. I debated whether to head back home as I had enough time at 2:00 to be back in plenty of time for my 3:30 class, but then it saw that it was raining and I decided to be a pansy about it and stay in.
That's really all that I have to say about that today. Just a chill day, lacking real food (I had peanuts), with pretty good classes. Nothing of great substance to report and so instead of going off on some tangent about life here, (like baggy pants on construction workers...right Marc!) I'm going to just let today be as it is.