Today suuuuucked. I don't know what it is about Wednesdays but I'm always in a bad mood when I go and then the day just goes down hill from there. I think there was two funny points in my whole day. My last class is a private and this week she had two hours cause she was making up classes she missed earlier. We were talking about dating and relationships and I was trying to model the sentence structure for a relative clause using 'who'.
I like guys who...
Example I put on the board:
I like guys who make me laugh.
That's a good clean example right?? So what do I get for language output??
"I like guys who no domestic violence."
"Um, okay, you mean, you like guys who don't hit you."
"Alright, let's write that on the board...I like guys who don't hit me. Can you think of others? What were some of the things we thought of earlier that you look for in a guy, like being a gentleman?"
"I like guys who aren't drunk."
"Right, that's right. We don't like drunks. Let's put that up there. I don't like guys who are drunks. Good."
This is the way my classes often go. I taught her the noun 'a drunk' meaning someone who drinks all the time and spends all his time at the bar. Next fun time was when we were doing another exercise of asking each other questions like "Is it okay to kiss someone on the first date?". At the end we had to make up our own. My question for her was "How long do you think people should date before they get married?" She said "Maybe a year". She's twenty for the record. Then she said, "How about you? What do you think?" To which I replied, "Well, I think that if you're in your early twenties it should be 3 years or so. But as you get older you know who you are and you probably have a job and career figured out, sort of anyway. So maybe you don't need to date for very long before you get married." She still didn't look convinced so I continued, "I think the younger you are, the longer you should date, but the older you are, the shorter the time you can date". Finally it clicked with her, "Oh yes! I think so too. Maybe the older people don't have so long." At which point we both started laughing, me in a shocked and appalled way, her in a self-delighted way. She tried to keep going to the next question but she kept stopping and laughing at herself and how funny she thought she was. As mind-numbing as that class usually is, for a moment it was quite fabulous.