Saturday, December 10, 2005

December 10, 2005

After work, which was so stinkin easy it's not even funny, Michelle called me and asked me to go out for some dinner. We met at my usual, Shanti the Indian restaurant down the road. We had a great time of chilling out and eating really good food and talking about everything under the sun. It was good to hear that she's been through some rough patches as well. Not that I want her to, sucks for her, but it's nice to hear that I'm not the only one.

At work I had a class of the most serious children on the face of the planet. A couple of the students were missing so I just had Rena, Ryogo and Ayumu. They are 6,5,4 respectively, going on 45. It was a good time. Very serious time. Very quiet time. Lots of looking out the window to see what's going on out there, time. Then I had Makiko who is my super 14 year old. So we were talking about shopping and that fits in nicely with Christmas, how sad is that, it shouldn't but it's actually a natural course of discussion as DISGUSTING as that may be. Anywhooo, I asked her what she would want for Christmas if she were to get presents. She thought for a while and she couldn't think of anything. I asked her if she wanted video games or a machine or something. She said that she has to study for High School entrance exams in January and February so she has no time. Then she thought of it. She said, "I want High School Entrance to a good school for Christmas. Please Santa." Have I mentioned before that most kids here are weird??? Have I mentioned before that most kids here are weird???