Monday, June 13, 2005

June 13, 2005

I can't believe that it's only 28 degrees and like 75% humidity. This scares me. Already I'm unable to wear a shirt more than one day in a row (some people may find this gross that I would try, I find their waste of water gross, you cannot possibly get a shirt THAT dirty in the course of a day by just going shopping or whatever that you have to wear it once and wash it, unless you're doing construction or farm work or something, and even then, I still would wear my clothes a few days in a row when I was working in the green houses). Last night I had to get up in the middle of the night and change my shirt. And they're both now going in the wash for tomorrow's laundry time. This scares me because it's still relatively cool compared to the temperatures it's supposed to hit. Think another ten degrees and another 15% humidity still to go. I don't think I'm going to be a happy camper.

Today we wore party hats. My first class of all girls, 7 and 8 years old, was quite silly. The unit is at a birthday party. "This is for you, Happy Birthday" "Thanks" "You're welcome. Open it." I first walked in and told them that I decided that I wasn't the teacher anymore. I don't want to be the teacher. Who's the teacher? I'm not the teacher. Are you the teacher? They thought this was funny. Mana (the quiet dumb one of the class, sounds aweful but there's usually one in every class, no judgment, just a fact) finally took my seat, I took her back pack and put it on. We went over the dialogue a bunch of times in all sorts of random ways, sometimes repeating after me, sometimes repeating after the CD. Then came reading it from the board while acting it out using a Kleenex box and some crayon boxes as the presents, of course you can't give or receive birthday presents without wearing party hats. I'm sure I looked quite ridiculous with a party hat and a backpack made for a seven year old. I never did return to the "teacher" seat and just did the whole class in Mana's seat with her bag on. Every time she needed something from her bag I knelt down in front of her and she unzipped her bag, removed her book or pencil case or whatever she needed, then zipped it back up and sent me on my way. It was a good class. I was particularly encouraged by the fact that they actually remembered the little introduction skit that we've been working on for a few weeks. Mana even got it down, which is no minor miracle as every other week she just stares at me the whole time waiting for me to feed her the line. But this week she remembered it and even went around the class as "Teacher" and went over it with the other three girls in turn just as I had. It was particularly funny when she got to me and promptly forgot what she was doing and went straight to asking "How old are you?". Evidently my age has made an impression. I guess that I would rather my age make an impression that other things about me that seem to constantly distract the teenagers from hell class. Let's go with age, age is much better...and smaller.

I still hate Mondays, it just wasn't as unspeakable as usual.