Friday, June 10, 2005

June 10, 2005

Someone has been praying for me. Today was the class with "The Child". I gained two more students in that class at the last minute so I then had 6 of them. That's quite a few to manage when your whole class is nothing but class management. I had planned enough for about 2 classes worth of time so that if they got out of hand I would just keep changing the activity on them. Not really much language input, but I was going for management more than anything. We sat up at the big desk quite a bit today so that helped a whole lot. I had Taeko talk to Rui and his mother before class about his behaviour. It seems to have worked. The other terror was having a bad day and had a total melt down in the middle of class. She was positively sobbing. I tried to comfort her. Her best friend was sitting beside her and just put her hands over her own ears. It was very cute. I couldn't calm her down and she was working herself positively into a tisey (how on earth do you spell that?) so I carried her out and pawned her off onto Taeko and Reiko. That was really the only event in my day. Based on today, I would like to retract my previous statement, but I do not want to be too rash. I gave Rui two months before I came to the conclusion that I hate him, I will give him at least one more week before retracting my statement and reissuing a new one. It sounds harsh. I know. I don't expect anyone to understand. I just hope no one judges me for it.

Note: I'm covered in bug bites. Yesterday I ate Nan. I'm itchy all over.