I went over to Narita today to meet Mr and Mrs Bracken at the airport with Chris and Yasuko. It was so good to see them, they both looked fantastic. We decided to take the JR Express back into Tokyo as opposed to trying to brave the regular JR lines with all the baggage. It was a great ride. It went from Narita to Chiba City to Tokyo. Most excellent. That's the way to see Chiba! We flew by Makuhari Hongo and at about 100 miles an hour I was able to "point out" our school there. It was great to watch Mr Bracken looking out the window. He just sat there taking it all in with this very contented grin on his face. Mrs Bracken is full of questions and wanting to know all about cultural stuff and bits of language. It's so great to see them both so excited and interested in this culture that their son has fallen in love with. They didn't look tired at all but seemed really excited to take in all that they could as quickly as possible.
We managed to get all the luggage and ourselves home to Yasuko and Chris' place without too much hassle. We chatted for a bit then decided to head to the grocery store to get some dinner. We made a hot pot kind of thing with chopped up greens, mushrooms, tofu and cod and snapper. It was delish. Robbin had her first full glass of beer, or so she thought. She wasn't sure if maybe she had had a glass of beer with some Indian food once. All in all it was a great welcome to Japan. I headed home to rescue Drlfan from the street and get some very needed sleep.