Today, Kenichi and his cohorts were a little more OOC than usual (Out Of Control) but the best moment was when I said, "C'mon you guys, chill", they were fighting, and Kenichi looked at his fellow student Hiroyuki and squinted his eyes, puckered his lips, held out his index finger and said "C'mon baby". Freakin priceless. I've heard him say it once or twice before, but never quite like that. I don't know where he picked it up cause he didn't know it when I had him previously, so he learned it over a span of about a month and a half. "C'mon baby" Definitely a fav moment.
Annoying factor. It's been up on our Staff Meetings schedule for like a month now that the meeting this week is in Kita. Today we get a fax saying "Blah, blah, blah, it's at Katsu at 12:00" So I wrote back asking if it had been changed from what was on the schedule? He wrote to everyone that it's at Katsu in case you're confused!!! I'm not freakin confused, it's what's on the stupid schedule that has been posted everywhere for ages. I can see a potential problem that they're going to have because there is someone who had today and tomorrow off and they won't have seen the fax until 12 on Thursday when they show up for the meeting at Kita. I don't know whether to call her so that she's not in a jam, or whether to leave it, foreseeing a really blatant conflict that the current management seems to be completely blind to, and let the repercussions of their mismanagement run their course. If it was anyone else I wouldn't let them know, but I know that it will cause her stress and I don't want her to have to deal with it, especially when she won't say anything about it to the people who have put her out. I hate living under poor management. I know I'll let her know, but I really wanted the powers that be to come face to face with their incompetencies. It's the details that matter that build to be all these little annoyances that then lead staff to get frustrated and unhappy. Chalk it up to another learning point about management.